Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Tuesday!! :D

In an old SCKATHERS-thing everyone was allowed to "shout" on tuesdays xD. writing in caps and stuff.. but ..I'm too tired to do that now xD so.. nvm.. this was just a .. uh.. random sentence ;D

i got up at uhm. 12:30 pm or so.. and.. I'm still damn tired..
and I have a really stupid headache again =/.. And the worst thing is I have to work in 2 hours!!! AAAAAAAAAHH! xD Inventury or however you call it in english in a clothing store.
from 3 pm to 11 pm. WTF xDD.. I could've gone to that freaking awesome Paramore concert but NO.. stupid me needs money and thats why she goes to freaking work. ugh D:

Yesterday was quite boring.... Oh wait it wasnt xD.
I got to drive for the first time in my life xD.. germany sucks when it comes to driving licences. with 17 you're allowed to make it now. sucks, right? ;D
well anyway... I'm 16 and drove a freaking awesome Audi Convertable yesterday!!!! it was like SOOOO freaking cool! xD.. Too bad it is my bff's dads car and we had to give it back xD.. it's an automatic or so.. and with my moms car I'm not allowed to try xD.. because it doesnt have that automatic thingy. oh well..
I'll find someones car soon to try with ;D

Also I went on writing my story.. :D
I decided that the title for now is "A Vampire Guardians Life" but.. I'm not really happy with it.. still trying to figure something better out ;D
In the story I got to know a lot of Guardians-to-be now and having my first guardian lesson .. training and all that stuff xD.. its really cool to write ;D

but for now. I have to leave.. take a shower.. clean the kitchen and.. yea.. go to work xD
I'll see you soon


  1. Hey working girl, better today?

    The title of the story is descriptive, may be if you try something more suggestive you would like it better. Take words... meaningful ones, start combining two by two, even if you think there is no possible match. If you don't get another title, at least trying is fun.

  2. i already tried so much atm i dont even have one idea left xD
    but i want something like vampire guardian life.. ugh D:

  3. Don't panic. Either you get used to what you have or something comes out... sometimes ideas come out of nowhere.

    'Life as a vampire guardian'.
    'Guardian life'.
