Thursday, September 17, 2009

its all about guys

I figured something out...
Guys between 18 and 27 are the hottest guys.
xDD.. i feel a bit stupid now..
I mean..
I have something for guys who are in the age above and I'm just too young for them.
What the fuck?!?!
Sure there are a couple of guys with 17 or 18 but.. they just dont know how to dress up right too look "hot" or how to act without being still immature.. -.-

can anyone explain me why life is so unfair? xDD.. hahaha

see ya soon


  1. Because there is people for every combination. Couples very close in age, couples with a bit of difference in age, couples with a big difference...
    Life is showing you that there is much more in men than teenagers. You will catch one of them one of these days.
