Wednesday, August 26, 2009

New Ideas for my story

Alright guys. After I sat for about 3 hours thinking about names for my family and ppl I will get to know in my story I finally got some new ideas
my moms name is Serena Martinetz, my dads is (Prince) Chace Irie, dads parents were Lily and Filipe (they died), my own personal guardian who will teach me how to fight is called Ian Miller
there are a couple of other guardians: Felix, Marco,.... I'll think about their names when I'll write about them.
my freinds back home are Carly, Emma, Izzy, Kelsey, Dec, Clayton, Josh, and some more. I think I also named a good friend Fabi
and the friends I'll get to know in my dads school are: Sarah, Adrian, Logan, Brandon and some more. I'll think about them when I come to them, more too ;D

So.. I'm on chapter four and have 51 or 53 pages until now.. =) I'm pretty proud of myself for actually writing so much ;D

But I need to go on with it now until Blood Promise arrives today ! Wooo :D I cant wait ;D
Oh crap. reminds me I still have to reread Shadow Kiss before.
Alright. I'll post later again <3

I love you guys <3


  1. Wooo!
    Up to chapter 4... good! And it's getting population, including a Fabi hahaha, that idea was nice, thanks.

  2. Your story idea is great. Im glad and happy for your accomplishments. If you decide to post it, i'll deff take a read. =]
