Saturday, August 29, 2009

headache, "wiesn" and some other stuff.

today i woke up with one of the worst fucking headaches ever
argh x_x..
tonight i was supposed to go to a smaller version of the munich "OKTOBERFEST" but.. if it gets even colder today..I'll die. cause then I'll have to find my jeans again. and they are somewhere in the back of my closet xD
but if i find them. it'll be a lot of fun ;D beer, guys, girls, fun ;D

but for now.. I have to clean bathroom and kitchen. -what a fun- D:

I'll see you guys later <3

1 comment:

  1. lol. i also woke up with a headache. The weather can deff be bi-polar sometimes. And jeans are the best. =D

    Check out my blog if you want.

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